Man Drives Over Wife Twice in Shocking Attempt to Kill Her

Man Drives Over Wife Twice in Shocking Attempt to Kill Her

A man drove over his wife twice, leaving her with severe injuries after claiming she embarrassed him, a court has heard. Man Drives Over Wife Twice in Shocking Attempt to Kill Her Edinburgh: This is a really disturbing story. A man named William Budge drove over his wife, Sandra, not once but twice. He was…

Horrifying Moment Edinburgh Husband Mows Down Wife in Family Car

Horrifying Moment Edinburgh Husband Mows Down Wife in Family Car

An Edinburgh man faces justice after shocking footage shows him running over his wife twice in a brutal attack Horrifying Moment Edinburgh Husband Mows Down Wife in Family Car Edinburgh: A shocking incident unfolded when a husband tried to run over his wife with his car. CCTV footage captured the whole horrifying scene. William Budge,…

Husband Attempts Murder of Wife in Edinburgh Hit and Run Incident

Husband Attempts Murder of Wife in Edinburgh Hit and Run Incident

A man drove his car at his wife in a shocking attack after feeling embarrassed by her actions Husband Attempts Murder of Wife in Edinburgh Hit and Run Incident On April 14 last year, Budge, 62, hit Sandra with his car, then drove over her again. He admitted to the assault in court, and it’s…