Savage Axe Attack on Woman in East Yorkshire Featured in New Documentary

Savage Axe Attack on Woman in East Yorkshire Featured in New Documentary

A new Channel 5 documentary covers a brutal axe attack in Goole and the manhunt that followed Savage Axe Attack on Woman in East Yorkshire Featured in New Documentary Goole: A woman was brutally attacked with an axe in East Yorkshire. This shocking incident happened last year and left her with severe injuries. The attack…

Savage Axe Attack on Woman Sparks Manhunt in New Channel 5 Documentary

Savage Axe Attack on Woman Sparks Manhunt in New Channel 5 Documentary

A new Channel 5 documentary explores a brutal axe attack and the ensuing manhunt for the suspect in Goole Savage Axe Attack on Woman Sparks Manhunt in New Channel 5 Documentary Goole: A shocking axe attack on a woman will be featured in a new Channel 5 documentary. It airs tonight, February 3. The attack…