Man in Fake Police Gear Fired Gun in Leicester Car Park

Man in Fake Police Gear Fired Gun in Leicester Car Park

A man in a fake police uniform fired a gun at officers in Leicester, leading to his arrest and a three-year prison sentence. Man in Fake Police Gear Fired Gun in Leicester Car Park Leicester: A man fired a gun in a pub car park. He wore a fake police uniform. His name is Hari…

Teen Charged After Armed Reports Lock Down Falkirk Park and School

Teen Charged After Armed Reports Lock Down Falkirk Park and School

A 14-year-old boy faces charges after a park lockdown in Falkirk due to gunman reports. An imitation firearm was recovered. Teen Charged After Armed Reports Lock Down Falkirk Park and School Falkirk: A teenager was charged after a park and school lockdown. Reports came in about a man with a gun at Callendar Park. Armed…

Edinburgh Woman Left Terrified After Distressing Attempted Robbery

Edinburgh Woman Left Terrified After Distressing Attempted Robbery

A 60-year-old woman was threatened in her flat during a robbery attempt, leaving her shaken and distressed Edinburgh Woman Left Terrified After Distressing Attempted Robbery Edinburgh: A man named Issa Mohamed, 30, has been sentenced for trying to rob a woman in her flat. The incident left the victim really shaken up. He got four…