Discover Your MP’s Earnings from Second Jobs in Our Earnings List

Discover Your MP’s Earnings from Second Jobs in Our Earnings List

Find out how much Greater Manchester MPs earned from second jobs, revealing their extra earnings and roles outside Parliament. Discover Your MP’s Earnings from Second Jobs in Our Earnings List Greater Manchester: MPs earned over £50,000 from second jobs, new data shows. You can check how much your MP made in our interactive tool. MPs…

Cambridgeshire MPs Balancing Roles as Councillors and Parliamentarians

Cambridgeshire MPs Balancing Roles as Councillors and Parliamentarians

Some Cambridgeshire MPs are also serving as councillors, earning extra income while managing their parliamentary duties Cambridgeshire MPs Balancing Roles as Councillors and Parliamentarians Cambridgeshire: It turns out that since the last general election, the only extra work some MPs in Cambridgeshire have taken on is as local councillors. The latest financial interests register shows…