A former family home in South London will become a children’s care home despite local objections over safety and past criminal activity
Chislehurst: A house that used to be a family home in South London is set to become a children’s care home. This decision comes after it was previously used as a cannabis factory. Can you believe it?
Residents are not too happy about this change. They’ve raised concerns about the house’s condition and safety for kids. Many remember when the place was taken over by criminals, and they worry it’s not suitable for children.
One local, Hillary Gray, has lived nearby for over two decades. She thought a mother and child were renting the house, but it turned out to be a drug den. She said the place is rundown and hasn’t been cared for in years.
Hillary only found out about the illegal activities when the police raided the house last March. The owner of the property wasn’t involved in any wrongdoing, but the locals are still uneasy.
The plan to convert the house into a children’s home was proposed by Bithoms Support Services. They want to care for up to three kids aged 8 to 16. But the Bromley Council initially rejected the idea due to objections from residents.
Despite the pushback, a Planning Inspector approved the plan, saying it would help meet the need for children’s care homes in the area. The inspector argued that having three kids in the house wouldn’t be too much for the neighborhood.
Another neighbor reported smelling cannabis and hearing strange noises coming from the house. They even called the police after noticing suspicious activity. It’s wild how things can change in a neighborhood.
After the police raid, the house was left in a mess, and locals were worried about safety issues. They mentioned that the electricity was tampered with to support the cannabis operation, which could have caused a fire.
Residents are still concerned about the new children’s home. They feel the area isn’t safe for kids, especially with speeding cars on the road. Rakesh Chibbei, who has lived there for 18 years, expressed worries about the traffic and the overall suitability of the location.
As of now, the building’s owner and the local authorities haven’t commented on the situation. It’s a lot to take in, and the community is left wondering how this will all play out.