A rioter’s actions in Hartlepool and Sunderland have sparked outrage, as he blames misinformation for his violent behavior during recent protests.
Hartlepool: So, there’s this guy, Ashley Wilkinson, who got into some serious trouble in two North East towns. He was part of a riot and later said he was influenced by “right wing media.”
He started in Hartlepool, where things got out of hand. Then he moved on to Sunderland, causing even more chaos. There’s video of him throwing stuff at the police, including a beer keg. A judge even said he brought disgrace to the St George’s flag he was waving around.
While in custody, he talked to an Imam and seemed genuinely sorry for what he did. It turns out he had been diving deep into online right-wing content, which messed with his mental health.
On July 31, social media was buzzing about some properties that were supposedly housing asylum seekers. This led to a protest that quickly turned violent. By the evening, things escalated, and Wilkinson was right in the thick of it.
He was caught on camera charging at police and throwing heavy objects. The police said the riot had a huge impact, with several officers getting hurt. Just three days later, he was back at it in Sunderland, throwing more stuff at the police.
Wilkinson was eventually arrested with some suspicious items, but he didn’t face charges for those. He has a long history of trouble with the law and ended up getting a six-year sentence for his actions.
The judge didn’t hold back, saying he brought shame not just to Sunderland but also to Hartlepool. It’s a wild story, and it’s sad to see how misinformation can lead someone down such a dark path.
His lawyer mentioned that while in jail, he started questioning the extremist views he had picked up and even wanted to learn more about Islam. It’s a complicated situation, but it shows how important it is to be careful about what we consume online.