A notorious fox hunt is under fire for allegedly terrorizing foxes in Scotland despite a recent ban on the practice
Renfrewshire: A notorious fox hunt is making headlines for allegedly terrorizing foxes in the Scottish countryside. This happened despite a new ban on hunting with dogs that was supposed to be strict.
Last Saturday, it’s claimed that huntsmen were chasing foxes with bloodhounds in Houston, using a NatureScot fox control license as cover. Activists from the Glasgow Hunt Saboteurs caught footage of what they say were multiple hunting offenses, including dogs chasing a terrified fox.
Campaigners are furious, saying this incident mocks the new law that came into effect in October 2023. The law allows for some fox control but has strict guidelines to prevent animal cruelty. Critics worry that these rules are just loopholes for huntsmen to exploit, similar to what happened with the earlier ban in 2002.
In the video shared by activists, you can see the hounds running through the countryside. Last year, it was revealed that over 40 licenses were issued under the new ban, but only two were monitored for compliance. Most of these licenses allowed packs of 20 or more dogs.
Members of the Lauderdale Hunt traveled about 100 miles to Houston, where they were seen chasing a fox into the woods. Activists pointed out that there were no shooters in place to dispatch the fox, which is required by law. Despite pleas from the activists, the huntsmen didn’t call the hounds back.
Glasgow Hunt Sabs expressed shock at the situation, saying it completely undermines the Hunting with Dogs (Scotland) Act 2023. They believe that without proper monitoring, hunts will continue to chase foxes without consequence.
Robbie Marsland from the League Against Cruel Sports stated that the footage clearly shows a pack of hounds chasing a fox, which is exactly what the new law aimed to prevent. He hopes that NatureScot and Police Scotland will take this seriously and hold those responsible accountable.
Rowan Hughes from the Hunt Saboteurs Association added that Scotland was seen as a leader in banning blood sports, but it seems hunts are still finding ways to bend the rules. They argue that the only solution is a complete ban on hunting.
Police Scotland has confirmed they are looking into the complaint made about the hunt. NatureScot is also aware of the situation. The Lauderdale Hunt claims to have switched to cruelty-free hunts, where bloodhounds chase human runners instead of foxes, but the controversy continues.