Exciting news for part-time workers! New conditions mean a €13,000 wage boost for eligible individuals. Here’s what you need to know.
This scheme is a great way to help folks transition into full-time jobs. But there are a couple of conditions you need to meet. First, you have to work less than 24 hours a week. Second, you should have been on long-term Jobseeker’s Allowance for at least 312 days. If you were on Jobseeker’s Benefit or the Covid-19 Pandemic Unemployment Payment before that, those days count too.
You also need to be getting a weekly payment of at least €154.60 if you’re single, or €252.10 if you have a qualified adult. Plus, you’ve got to stick with the scheme for at least two months. You can have more than one part-time job, but remember, the total hours must stay under 24.
The job you get should last at least two months and be insurable at PRSI Class A or J. Just a heads up, self-employed folks can’t join this scheme.
Now, how long can you stay on the PTJI Scheme? Initially, it’s for one year, but you might be able to extend it. During this time, you should keep looking for full-time work. If you find a full-time job but lose it, you can go back to your PTJI claim as long as you meet the conditions.
As for the allowance, instead of your usual payment, you’ll get €154.60 a week if you’re single, or €252.10 if you’re getting an increase for a qualified adult. That adds up to over €13,000 a year! And the best part? This allowance isn’t taxable, though your wages will be.
To apply, once you’ve got your part-time job, just reach out to your Intreo Centre or local Social Welfare Branch Office. You’ll fill out an application form and your employer will need to verify your hours every four weeks. Just make sure to return the forms on time, or your payments will be delayed. Payments are made weekly, so it’s pretty straightforward!