Basildon Council demands the demolition of a dilapidated Co-op site in Wickford to pave the way for new developments
Wickford: So, the council in Basildon has told a developer to knock down that old Co-op supermarket. They’re calling it an eyesore, and honestly, it’s about time. The place has been looking pretty rough for ages.
Heriot UK is the company in charge, and they’ve been told to get moving on redeveloping the site. The council leader, Gavin Callaghan, mentioned that they’re expecting some official plans soon. Fingers crossed, right?
There’s talk of bringing in an Asda store and some flats, which could really spruce up the area. Callaghan said they’ve issued a notice to the developer, basically saying, “Hey, you need to take that building down now.”
He’s a bit frustrated, too. Apparently, three years ago, there was a deal for a Morrisons to go in there, but then the Conservative Party came in and scrapped it. Now, nothing’s happened, and the site is just sitting there looking sad.
Callaghan wants to see a decent supermarket in Wickford, not some low-end option. He believes the town deserves better shops and a nice shopping experience. It’s all about attracting people and investment, after all.
A spokesperson for Heriot said they’re ready to demolish the building once they get the green light for their plans. They promise to submit a planning application soon, so let’s hope it happens quickly!